Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Question...

So I have a question for whoever may stumble upon this post. 

What is hope? 

Don't just copy the dictionary definition, I want to know your personal definition of what hope is. 

Leave a comment and I'll post my thoughts on all the comments after a few days. 

After asking what is hope, I thought of what is love and then remembered this fun gem. Enjoy. 

Thanks Cari for posting this! 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Escaping Reality

As I find myself in the middle of the third Hunger Games book, I have quickly realized why reading a good story can be so captivating. Of course there is the element of the plot itself and finding out what's going to happen. A great writer is someone who can make any reader instantly glued to the unwinding narrative. But I also think there is more than just the plot itself. Reading, or watching TV shows like I mostly do, can provide an escape from reality. Isn't it a lot easier to let ourselves be distracted from our lives for an hour or two, instead of dwelling on our own reality? When invested in a well-written and unfolding narrative, we become sucked into a world not our own. Even if that place is evil and terrible, i.e The Hunger Games, in the back of our minds we know it is not real so we cope with the evil. We let this false world envelop us, fall into a reality where we don't have homework to do, where we do not fear what's to come, and where bad things do not happen to us.

Reading is definitely one of the most healthy escape options. Some use alcohol, drugs, partying, and more destructive habits to escape their realities. Although reading is not physically destructive like excessive alcohol or drug use is, it can be dangerous if we let ourselves escape and avoid. Instead we must take the mental break, escape for a short while but return to deal with our reality. Some enter the fiction world and never return.

As a Christian, I also come to ponder that if we, myself included, use the world to distract us, momentarily or long-term, from our problems, are we ignoring God in the process? Why do we not run to him with open arms and fall into his loving embrace? Our Father calls us to this response. That is a much better option anyway. Hiding under the powerful and mighty wings of the creator of the universe seems like a no brainer. However, time and time again I, and I assume many others, run the opposite direction.

My challenge is to remove all escape options and let Christ rescue you.

He made you. He knows all things. He is all powerful. I know he's got you covered.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Recycling the 70's

An experiment with my mother's 1975 Minolta film camera.
Here are the results so far.

The best Key lime cheesecake i've ever eaten. I appreciate wednesday family dinners at City Fellowship. 

Just some pretty trees at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. 


After 10 mins of debate, Rob himself unable to tell, and a text message to mom, we decided that this is in fact Jay teaching guitar at Hartland. 

I love the little kids at Hartland. 


My dear friend Terica. 

Kathleen gave my cup some sunshine. 

I have some pretty beautiful roommates. 

Let me know what you think and if you have any film tips! 

Monday, April 2, 2012

This past Sunday I was able to participate in a joyous occasion. Chi Omega, who partner with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, granted a wish to a girl named Candance. She is 16 but due to a stroke at age 4, her mental growth was stunted and functions today with the mind of a 4 year-old. Her was to go to Disney world and her wish was granted. 

Sunday, the women of Chi Omega held a parade, where everyone dressed up as Disney characters. Candance rode down greek row, sitting out of a convertible, living the life of a princess. Then inside the Chi Omega house, there was a pizza party where Candance recieved gifts to aid her travel and ate cake to celebrate. At one point, she started to tell a story about picking out underwear but was quickly shushed by her mother. Her spunk was evident to all who saw her. I enjoyed seeing everyone dress up and support Candance, especially other greek people. As an "independent" the community support was encouraging.