Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Photo Update!

Okay it's been forever but here are some more photos I've taken this summer. I've skipped days here and there but I'm okay with that so you should be too.

June 12 

June 13

June 14- I love sunsets and the sky. 

June 15- Sarah is beautiful and this captures the bridal shower glory. 

June 18- Making Tazo passion tea lemonade 

June 19- My first attempt at light painting 

June 20 - Asia's house 

June 21- I went to downtown Chicago and saw Lecrae perform for free! The content wins over the poor quality. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Photo A Day!

So I have actually been taking the pictures, I am just not so great at posting them that day. I'm hoping to get better but here are the ones from the past few days. Enjoy!

June 7  I had a momentary surge of artistic expression.

June 8 I had a fun day hanging out on the farm with some good quality friends. 

June 9 I didn't really do anything that day so this is a picture of my lamp. 

June 10 Meet Sarah Palin. She is the dinotot who lives in my car. 

June 11 This is the end result of a brief experimentation with my sister. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer Photo a Day Challenge

So this summer I decided to do a photo every day! I had a pretty rough start so i missed a few days but from now on I will post a photo every day. Most will be just of what I did that day. There will be a few surprises intertwined of course! Here are the photos I've done so far.

June 2nd. The most beautiful KP! 

June 4th I made some paperwork bearable with catching up on the past season of the Mentalist. 

June 5th Crave started and we are studying 1 Peter this summer. I'm so excited. 

June 6th I tried Yogen Fruz for the first time today. Let's just say Yolo will always win. 

Let me know if you guys have any photo suggestions! 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Weekend I Spent At Prison

Two weekends ago, I went to prison.....and it was amazing. 

I would go back in a heartbeat. In fact, I probably will next year. 

Okay, that was overly dramatic but I could not resist. I spent 3 days at Angola Prison, Louisiana's State Penitentiary and the largest maximum security prison in the country. I went as a photographer on a media team with my school, Union University. Our team consisted of 3 photographers, 3 writers, and one videographer.  We were there to cover the Returning Hearts Celebration, which was a day where qualified fathers got to spend the day with their children. But I not only photographed the Returning Hearts day, I also was able to make pictures of several inmates while my partner interviewed them. We were able to get to know some of these men and in the process tell their stories. I was completely humbled listening and seeing these men's devotion to the Lord. They were genuinely changed and living their lives solely for God. I could see the Holy Spirit working in Angola. How could it go from being the bloodiest prison in America to what it is today without the work of the Lord?
We arrived at Angola thursday where we ate dinner at the Ranch House, a place used for meals and meetings with guests, and then hit the ground running. We all went to a chapel service and then started meeting/interviewing inmates.

Thursday was a long day but longer days were coming. Friday we were able to tour the prison. We visited the Angolite office and met their editor. The Angolite is the in-prison magazine. With only a staff of 6, the Angolite produces an 80 page magazine bi-monthly! How incredible! The rest of our tour was not as lovely though. We then went to Red Hat.

Red Hat is the original death row at Angola. Although the historic location has been painted and we visited during the middle of a sunny day, walking the hall of Red Hat was sobering. I stood in a 4 by 6 foot cell that at one point could have held up to 15 adult men. I then turned the corner and entered the room where the electric chair once stood. Those men slept and lived in cells just feet from the very chair that would take their life. I then sat in the chair. I had heard of others doing the same and wanted to see for myself. I saw what these prisoners saw for the very last time. I thought friday was intense and long but I never could have known what saturday would be like.

Saturday was the big day. We all awoke slightly nervous and anxious for the days events. The Returning Hearts Celebration started with the fathers and children greeting each other. Most hugged, some shook hands, and some leapt. It was no doubt moving to watch children of all ages run towards their father or grandpa and leap into their arms. One child ran, started yelling, "Daddy...Daddy", and flung herself into her fathers arms; she was 14.

The day continued with carnival games, basketball, cotton candy and tons of laughter. The fathers were able to spend genuine time with their children, renewing relationships, building new ones, and adding on to relationships. I am so thankful I was able to be apart of that special day.

The hardest part of the day was by far the goodbyes. I spent much time in prayer leading up to this trip praying for detachment and focus. I wanted to do my job well and not become an emotional mess. I praise God for answered prayers. I focused on shooting during this time and choose to process later. Even so, it was difficult to watch these fathers say good-bye to their children. The scene was settling, some just stood hugging and holding one another, while some just cherished the moments left in the day. I saw one father praying with His children. He knew the time he had left and choose to spend it praying for and with his children. The day then ended and we started to work. We put together our final images, stories, and video.

Sunday morning we spent time in the Lord near the lake and then left for Jackson. It seemed like I spent weeks at Angola but really I was only there 3 days.

Overall, the weekend was incredible. I am blessed to have been apart of such an amazing team! Prison was not what I was expecting, it was more than I could dream. But this isn't about me. Please pray for these inmates that they would grow in their relationships with their children and Lord, the prison, Warden Cain, and Awana's prison ministries across the country.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Capturing Zaura

In the middle of working on a class photo assignment my shoot turned more into a couple shoot of my two friends. I've been wanting to expand my skill set more into portrait photography. This spontaneous moment ending up being great practice for me! Here are just a few of my favorites from the adventure.

Oh, and Zaura is Zac and Laura's couple name. In case you were wondering. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Question...

So I have a question for whoever may stumble upon this post. 

What is hope? 

Don't just copy the dictionary definition, I want to know your personal definition of what hope is. 

Leave a comment and I'll post my thoughts on all the comments after a few days. 

After asking what is hope, I thought of what is love and then remembered this fun gem. Enjoy. 

Thanks Cari for posting this! 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Escaping Reality

As I find myself in the middle of the third Hunger Games book, I have quickly realized why reading a good story can be so captivating. Of course there is the element of the plot itself and finding out what's going to happen. A great writer is someone who can make any reader instantly glued to the unwinding narrative. But I also think there is more than just the plot itself. Reading, or watching TV shows like I mostly do, can provide an escape from reality. Isn't it a lot easier to let ourselves be distracted from our lives for an hour or two, instead of dwelling on our own reality? When invested in a well-written and unfolding narrative, we become sucked into a world not our own. Even if that place is evil and terrible, i.e The Hunger Games, in the back of our minds we know it is not real so we cope with the evil. We let this false world envelop us, fall into a reality where we don't have homework to do, where we do not fear what's to come, and where bad things do not happen to us.

Reading is definitely one of the most healthy escape options. Some use alcohol, drugs, partying, and more destructive habits to escape their realities. Although reading is not physically destructive like excessive alcohol or drug use is, it can be dangerous if we let ourselves escape and avoid. Instead we must take the mental break, escape for a short while but return to deal with our reality. Some enter the fiction world and never return.

As a Christian, I also come to ponder that if we, myself included, use the world to distract us, momentarily or long-term, from our problems, are we ignoring God in the process? Why do we not run to him with open arms and fall into his loving embrace? Our Father calls us to this response. That is a much better option anyway. Hiding under the powerful and mighty wings of the creator of the universe seems like a no brainer. However, time and time again I, and I assume many others, run the opposite direction.

My challenge is to remove all escape options and let Christ rescue you.

He made you. He knows all things. He is all powerful. I know he's got you covered.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Recycling the 70's

An experiment with my mother's 1975 Minolta film camera.
Here are the results so far.

The best Key lime cheesecake i've ever eaten. I appreciate wednesday family dinners at City Fellowship. 

Just some pretty trees at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. 


After 10 mins of debate, Rob himself unable to tell, and a text message to mom, we decided that this is in fact Jay teaching guitar at Hartland. 

I love the little kids at Hartland. 


My dear friend Terica. 

Kathleen gave my cup some sunshine. 

I have some pretty beautiful roommates. 

Let me know what you think and if you have any film tips!