Thursday, July 7, 2011

Clouds, Clubs, Church, and Conversations... Just an Average Day.

To steal a pretty good idea from a dear friend I'm going to chronicle my day.

So today I woke up, later than I wanted to, and got dressed. ( in my bathing suit) Ate some toast with nutella and studied James 5:1-6. Then I laid outside tanning and texting for at least an hour and a half. Enjoying the intense clouds and good conversations, while evening out my tan lines.

 Then I got ready for real. Moments from calling my mother to inquire about food, she walks in the door. We decided to order chinese. Then my friend invites me to sushi and church so I of course said yes. I picked up the chinese, ate some, and went to dinner. Yes, I ate then went to dinner. On my way to Sushi Station to meet Jaclyn, I turned on B96, a local radio station. Well, whoever was mixing the songs, they were doing a great job. It sounded like I had a dance club in my car. I then enjoyed some sushi and friendship. We went to her college group called Axis. It was a good service, focusing on knowing God's will and doing something about it. We went to Steak and Shake afterward and split some chicken fingers and a shake. A mutual friend joined us, talking about the Bachelorette and boys. Just some typical girl talk but on the way home Jaclyn and I had a great conversation about life. Today was fantastic and I thought you guys should get a glimpse into one of my good days.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Body Of Christ

So I realize that I haven't posted in almost a month but this summer has been crazy! Tonight I went to my church's college group called Crave. I found out, after I got to the house we meet at, that we were meeting to just hang out at a park near by.  So, we hung out, talked, some people played baseball and then we moved near the snack shop. Crave just started so I don't know everyone and I was introduced to someone. Less than a minute later she offered to buy me something from the snack shop. I refused, I was fine and didn't want anything. She insisted again. Someone I had literally just met bought me a push-pop.

Something minimal, cost only a dollar, but at the same time showed me something. This girl truly showed me the Body of Christ tonight. I am always amazed at how God can reinforce his presence or teachings in such small ways. God is by far absent in our lives. In fact, He is willing to be apart of our daily lives, if we let Him. My God is amazing. My God is Love. My God wants to be your God and your friend. Will you let Him?