Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Save The Storks

 So a couple months ago I found out about an organization called Save The Storks. It is a pro-life group dedicating to saving storks. At first I did not get it, but storks represent the pregnant mothers. The organization gives buses loaded with high-tech ultrasound machines to local pregnancy crisis centers. The centers than use the buses to minister to women right in front of abortion clinics by offering free ultra sounds and counseling. They care for the women and in the process save the lives of unborn babies.

I am intensely passionate about saving the unborn and this organization focuses on the mothers, not the political side. So, I wanted to do something to help them. I am in the process of organizing an art show to raise money for Save the Storks. We are displaying student work and selling the photos. All the money will go to Save The Storks.

Here is where you guys come in. In order to host a show, we need money to print, frame, and pay for other expenses. As college kids, we don't have any money, so this show happening all depends on how much support we can get.

If you want to help, please follow this link.

We only have a few days left to raise the rest of the money, if we don't meet the deadlines we loose all of the money. If you can't help finically please help by spreading the word. Repost the link to Kickstarter or repost the link to this post.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011


            Summer is drawing near and yet the weather refuses to co-operate (at least for the moment). This time of year is characterized by warm weather, bright colors, fragrant smells, and pungent flavors. These three months can go by so quickly. So I think that we should just stop for a moment and let our senses be washed by these colors, smells, feelings, and tastes. Enjoy the little things in life. I realize how cliche that sounds but maybe it is repeated so often because not everyone has really gotten a handle on it yet. Enjoy this summer because it will not be here forever.

Here are some photos of flowers to tickle your eyeballs.

Christianity is missing something: Love

"I am not asked to impersonate the Holy Spirit but to live a life that gives off God's fluorescence. And I resolve to remember that God often allows us to learn just as much as we travel our chosen paths as we would have if we had walked only his lighted portions. But wait, we protest, that is like saying that God allows learning even when we go the wrong way. But wait, we continue, now that we think it, that sounds a whole lot like GRACE." 
Sarah Raymond Cunningham

             As i was reading the 5th chapter in the book Unchristian by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons, I stumbled upon this quote. The book is about how people outside the church perceive people inside the church and why it matters. Each chapter focuses on a label that christians have gotten like political, judgmental, hypocritical, old-fashioned and so on. This chapter focused on anti-homosexual. It struck me incredibly as I realized more and more that Christians have a serious issue with loving people. And that sounds so back word even as I type that but we do. Christ was sent to earth to die for broken people. He gave us grace so that no matter what we have done we can still find life in HIm. 

" The Bible is clear: homosexual practice is inconsistent with Christian discipleship, But there is not a special judgment for homosexuals, and there is not a special righteousness for heterosexuals. For all of us, our only hope for the fracture in our soul is the cross of Christ" -Shayne Wheeler

            I believe whole-heartily in this statement. Everyone is a sinner, including myself, and that is why I am so thankful for Christ and His redeeming grace. God loves everyone! and if you are a Christian and believe otherwise I would highly suggest re-reading your Bible, especially Matthew 22:37-39, which says, "Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'LOVE your NEIGHBOR as yourself." We, this generation of Christians, have the power to change the worlds perceptions of what it is to be a Christian. Let's live a life devoted to being Christ-like, which includes loving everyone, the girl in our class who talks bad about us, the bullies who pick on us, our gay neighbor, everyone. 

Let's be a generation of faith, of love and not hatred.

Monday, May 16, 2011


            There is something more to watching television than just shutting down and turning your brain off. A TV show with enough drama, intertwining plot, and surprises can do more than entertain a devoted watcher. Once a show hooks the watcher, every new episode adds to the growing addiction.

             If writers can create characters who are capture our attention; either the characters we love or those we love to hate, than they have wrapped us into what story they are trying to tell.

           Anyone who has followed a show, especially from the beginning, can say how intoxicating a new episode can be. It is almost as if you haven't talked to your friends in a week and you are getting filled in on their lives.

            Now shows like CSI or Bones have a back story flowing through each episode but also have new mini plots being introduced and resolved in each show. Those types of shows are my favorite. They have enough character development, back story and drama to keep me coming back and the new stories in each episode keep my attention.

              So essentially, I love television. I follow to many shows and my DVR is always battling with capacity levels. The first couple weeks of summer will definitely become a reunion with beloved characters, unwinding mysteries, and a well-loved Lazy Boy.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Giant

The Giant 
Reach down,
Pluck me from my tree.
Carry me off to a distant land.
Be gentle though,
I break easy.
Drop me off somewhere warm?
Where the sun makes your skin
Glisten under its rays,
Where the wind carries the scent of
Field flowers through the air and all Anyone can hear is the crisp stream Slowly moving through the forrest.
Lay me down somewhere nice,
Would you?
Somewhere like that.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Ultimate Form of Procrastination

In an attempt to avoid writing an essay, I made a blog. I had wanted one for a while but today I actually created a place to share a glimpse of my chaotic and random brain. I hope you enjoy.

Here's a photo from a shoot I did as a part of my Digital Photography Final.